This tour specially  we design people who ant to look easy ride and mostly on Paved Ride ,along this tour we will get more closeer with local ,Culture and historical Place.All those place have different different test which surprise for you.Travelling through Nepal on motorcycle is the best way to fully and truly experience this incredible country.Travel in time and space to the Land of the Gurkhas, experience the Safari in Chitwan National Park, melt with the road while you ride the most exotic roads that lead you to exotic destinations, meditate in Lumbini and reach the Nirvana in the birthplace of Lord Bhudda, you will be overloaded with intoxicating experience along the tracks to the Royal LEGENDARY RIDE…be Ready !


  • DISTANCE : 1100 KM
  • MAX ALTITUDE ; 17.40 MTS-5.710 FEET
  • RIDING DAYS : 08
  • DURATIONS : 11
  • PRICE : 1-4 RIDERS PER– USD 3,000 | 5+ RIDERS PER– USD 2,500


1-4 RIDERS – USD 3,000 | 5+ RIDERS – USD 2,500

Includes jungle safari and 2 Domestic flights. Kathmandu-Pokhara Return.


Arrival in Kathmandu Trivuban International airport.

Our crew will pick you up at the EXIT gate, please look for the guy holding a Banner with our Logo, after we’ll head to Thamel where we gonna check in- in KATHMANDU BOUTIQUE HOTEL all the checking process will be done by our staff so you just please head to your assigned chamber, relax and please be back at the Lobby at the assigned time for our Welcoming Dinner.

After Breakfast today, we will visit Kathmandu’s UNESCO cultural and heritage sites on a day tour with local cultural experts, including Patan, Swayambhunath (Monkey Temple), and Boudhanath. We will stay overnight at comfortable hotel in Thamel. Tomorrow, we will reach the Beautiful City of pokhara, where our Bikes are waiting for us.

Welcome to Pokhara Flight – 25 minutes

After landing in Pokhara from Kathmand, we head to the Hotel and after a short rest we do a Briefing Meeting at Ride&Dare MC Headquarter, we test ride our bikes and enjoy the local tour around the Pewa Lake and other areas, we have dinner at Busy Bee and have a free evening, we advice not to drink too much to be fresh for our ride that starts tomorrow, we overnight at the excellent Hotel Brothers Inn.


Pokhara to Palpa:

Today starts with a nice easy ride, low traffic, winding, paved roads allowing one to enjoy the view-is it any wonder this is called the Siddhartha Highway. We will travel 117 km today. From town we have a spectacular view of Tansen Bazaar. At 1310 m we arrive in the town of Palpa for the night, home to the Newari people, the easy day leaves time to enjoy this traditional village. Tansen,an ancient hill town, was the capital of the Palpa kingdom. Rich in history, culture, religion and natural beauty, we will spend the evening wandering the cobblestone streets. overnight in Srinagar Hotel and relax .

Palpa to Lumbini

Descending from Palpa to Lumbini the road again is paved and winding until the city of Butwaal in the Buwaal valley where the terrain flattens. After traveling 76 km we reach the birthplace of Lord Buddha, internationally known as a symbol of peace. Like Buddha we will spend tonight and tomorrow resting in Lumbini. overnight near the sacred place in a nearby town Hotel Ananda Inn.

Explore Lumbini

A full day walking tour in Lumbini to the Buddhist Monastery, Maya Devi Temple (Buddha’s Mother), the Sacred Pond Garden which many countries joined together to build. Lumbini is a UNESCO Heritage Site.

Walk in the footsteps of Buddha as you explore the region where he spent his childhood as Prince Siddhartha. The exact spot where Buddha was born is marked here in Lumbini and the site has understandably become one of the world’s most important holy sites. Join the millions of pilgrims who have made the journey over two thousand years and feel the power of the spirituality for yourself. Overnight at Lumbini.


Lumbini – Sauraha:

Starting early in the morning, after breakfast, we travel the tarai (flat lands). Today we travel 130 km. Paved roads, and open farmland begins the day until the road winds into the jungle for 5-6 km before giving way once again to tarai. We drive to Sauraha where we rest for the night. we spend the evening in Sauraha at Hotel Royal Safari.

Sauraha –Chitwan National Park

Today we spend the day in Chitwan National Park. Action packed day with Jeep Safari, Canoe Ride and in the evening a dance performance by the local Tharu tribe.

Chitwan to Bandipur Via Gorkha :

From Chitwan to Bandipur passing trough Manakama Temple and the Gorkha Land, the Land of the Gurkhas,the famous warriors or Nepal, we visit the Gorkha Palace and we are back on winding mountain roads and the ride is a mix of paved and off road. Bandipur is also home to the Newar, hilltop houses, and is located midway between Pokhara and Kathmandu. We spend the night in Bandipur. Overnight at Depche Village Resort.

Bandipur to Pokhara via Begnas Lake

 Today we complete our ride back to Pokhara via Begnas Lake, the road is paved with beautiful scenic mountain views. Begnas Lake is smaller than Phewa Lake, more remote and tranquil. We continue our ride back to Pokhara Lakeside, ending with a group dinner in the evening with traditional Nepali food and dance performances. Overnight at  Hotel  Balcony.

Pokhara to Kathmandu Transfer

Today we wake up and get ready to fly back to Kathmandu, one of our Road Captains will go with the group, help you with the boarding process and check you in back in Kathmandu, Les Arts Hotel, free evening and Guide for Shopping and Sightseeing. Departure Dinner & Farewell.

Departure Day

According to the departure time we will have the group divided to go to the Airport, you will fly back home with another adventure checked in your Bucket List and unforgettable memories…and sure you will come back for more…

  • English speaking Tour Guide 
  • Kathmandu valley Sightseeing with Cultural Expert Guide 
  • Boutique Hotels and Tourist Stander Hotel along the Route
  • Visit Historical & Cultural Place 
  • Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 
  • Motorbike with fuel for trip.
  • Domestic Flight Kathmandu – Pokhara - Kathmandu
  • Airport Pick up & Drop off
  • Supporting Truck (Support Truck is added only if there is 5 people in the group) 
  • Satellite Phone 
  • Chitwan National Park Safari & other Activates 
  • Medical Team with First Aid Kit & Oxygen in high altitude
  • Expert Head Mechanics with Motorcycle spare parts
  • Helmets & regular gloves (In case you need)
  • Water bottles are always providing by the backup jeep during road trip
  • The Last Day Farewell Dinner 

  • International tickets,
  • Nepali visa fee,
  • Alcohol bills,
  • Charge for any physical damage on motorbikes due own fault.
  • Personal expenses etc
  • Dinner